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 1X2 predictions Serena to Murray: You have a special place in my heart because you always actively support women

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Serena Williams turned to Andy Murray, who will retire this season.
Andy, congratulations on an incredible career. I always enjoyed watching your matches. Partly because you are one of the few players who gets angrier on the court than me, and this is very difficult, and perhaps our moods for the game advised by ai 1x2 soccer prediction are somewhat similar (laughs).

I loved watching your matches and enjoyed playing mixed doubles with you at Wimbledon, it was a fantastic experience and one of the highlights of my life.

I`m so grateful for this experience, and you hold a special place in my heart for always being a vocal supporter of women and speaking out for what women deserve. You are the first in this.

I was very touched by your words about how Venus and I have always inspired you and what we meant to you. I will always be grateful for this. I will always be grateful for the way you have supported me as women and your contributions to tennis. I thoroughly enjoyed watching you win Wimbledon, US Open and gold medals.

You know that I have always been your fan and will always support you, whatever you decide to do next. So congratulations on an amazing career.

Serena to Murray: You have a special place in my heart because you always actively support women 1X2 predictions - more details and information: 1X2 predictions

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