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Privacy policy of 1x2soccerpicks.com

Except for the purposes described below 1x2soccerpicks.com will not use or disclose customer's personal information without client explicit consent.The information will be used:

  • to improve the services provided through 1x2soccerpicks.com web site
  • to keep customers informed about the services provided by 1x2soccerpicks.com.
  • in case 1x2soccerpicks.com is required to disclose such Personal Information by any applicable law, regulation or legal process

The way the privacy policy is described here will apply to such Personal Information no matter if it is required under the laws of each country.
With client's permission, 1x2soccerpicks.com will only share his Personal Information with third parties that are carefully chosen, reputable and trustworthy.
1x2soccerpicks.com follows all legal requirements and use all precautions to ensure that only responsible authorized third parties see customer's Personal Information. However, 1x2soccerpicks.com is not responsible for any breach of security or act or omission of third parties who receive the Personal Information.
In addition to the use of customer's Personal Information as described above, 1x2soccerpicks.com may also gather anonymous information which may be used by us or shared with third parties. That is information that does not disclose the identity of the visitors, but is useful for marketing purposes and improving the website and offered services.
1x2soccerpicks.com website may, from time to time, use Cookies. Cookies are pieces of information that a website transfers to customer's computer's hard disk. to keep record about customer's preferences on a particular site. The use of Cookies is normal practice in the industry and many major websites use them to provide useful features for their customers. Most browsers are initially set to accept Cookies. Of course the customer could refuse Cookies.